Sunday, 30 September 2012

Student Debt Load and Price of Silver Increase 500+% Since 2000

Student loans are an excellent example of how the modern lending system manifests ancient modes of control. In the United States, long before the modern student loan, for the promise of prosperity thousands of individuals came to the New World as indentured servants. Once they arrived in ‘America,’ ‘twas their job to work to pay off their sail across the pond, an endeavor which lasted years and a decision most young men did not make for themselves. Instead, their fathers worked out the terms and signed the legal papers, handing custodianship of son over to ship captain. Sound familiar?

In the last decade, as student loan debt  increased, so too did the price of silver.  Both trends are poised to continue over the medium term. (5 years+)

French Sovereignty Being Threatened Yet Again - Will The People Say "No" Again?

Here's a great article about the ratification of the Fiscal Union in French parliament. It is set to be ratified in less than a month (Oct. 2, 2012), yet there is intense opposition throughout the country to a treaty that would see the sovereignty of all signatories relinquished to an unelected bureaucratic authority - the European Central Bank and the European Commission, in this case.

One must also keep in mind that the French politicians - both sides, Sarkozites and Hollandeans alike - have openly spoken of their willingness to cede France's national sovereignty in favour of a more harmonious Eurozone. It would seem more like a captain going down with his ship than a move they really think will contribute to stabilization of the Euro and all its problems.

Let's ask Ireland how cedeing economic sovereignty (which is the same as cedeing national sovereignty, just painted with a slightly different brush) went. Let's ask Portugal, or Spain, or Greece, or Italy, for that matter. Things are going just swimmingly for them, aren't they? Well, at least for the bankers and politicians things are working out - even if they can't show their faces in the streets. And, after all... The decision makers make decisions based on what is best for themselves, not the lowly peasants who have been scapegoated for taking on more than they can handle - even though it was specifically engineered so that things would play out this way.

A History of Iranian Nuclear Weapon Accusations - 1979-Present

Here’s some context behind the claims that Iran will imminently possess a nuclear weapon.
It started a long time ago (but not, unfortunately, in a galaxy far, far away):
1984: Soon after West German engineers visit the unfinished Bushehr nuclear reactor, Jane’s Defence Weekly quotes West German intelligence sources saying that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.”US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon.
Seven years away? And did they have a bomb in 1991?
1992: Israeli parliamentarian Binyamin Netanyahu tells his colleagues that Iran is 3 to 5 years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon – and that the threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the US.”
1992: Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres tells French TV that Iran was set to have nuclear warheads by 1999. “Iran is the greatest threat and greatest problem in the Middle East,” Peres warned, “because it seeks the nuclear option while holding a highly dangerous stance of extreme religious militancy.”
1992: Joseph Alpher, a former official of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, says “Iran has to be identified as Enemy No. 1.” Iran’s nascent nuclear program, he told The New York Times, “really gives Israel the jitters.”
So was there a bomb by the late 1990s?

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Zerohedge Articles Compilation 2.0

For your reading pleasure, I present to you the second batch of compiled ZeroHedge articles from yours truly:

Fitch Warns UK Likelihood It Loses AAA Rating Has Increased - UK may lose its AAA rating - with growth numbers revised by Fitch from 0.8% growth to a forecast of a 0.3% contraction.

Why A Soft-Landing Is Back For China - China needs private sector investment into things like infrastructure. Growth is slowed and may only be around 7-8.5% over the next few years. Very basic overview, check out the article!

Friday Humor: Don't Drink and Trade - Story about the drunk trader who traded 69% of the global oil market ($520 million worth of oil contracts) in one drunken night of trading, incurring losses of almost $10,000,000 to clients before the company realized the trades had not been authorized by clients.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

New Keiser Report Up - Keiser Report: Boom & Bust Vicious Cycle (E346)

We discuss punk rock ‘Tall Paul’ giving the two finger salute to Ben Bernanke’s QE3 and gold adjusting for zero growth, yield, velocity and confidence. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to the author of Paper Money Collapse, Detlev Schlichter of, about quantitative easing to infinity, Central Banking ‘devils’ and the future for the gold standard.

Original post on found here.

Max Keiser Speaks at Bitcoin 2012 - Phenomenal Overview of the Currency Wars

Max Keiser spoke last week at the Bitcoin 2012 conference in London and gave a fantastic overview of the current situation worldwide. He sums up beautifully the criminal acts that are being committed by Wall St. and exactly how they translate not into "victimless crimes", but rather what is shaping up to be a financial holocaust - with an estimated 100 million people thrown into poverty in the wake of the shady dealings of the financial sectors of the world.

Here's the full video of his speech at the conference:

The book he references in his lecture is called Currency Wars by Jim Rickards. I personally am halfway through and it is an engaging, riveting and enlightening book that helps give insight into commerce and the economy in the 21st century, as well as the reason for the tense geopolitical climate in which we live.

We're in the middle of a currency war between the major players in the currency markets, and as we see the war tactics accelerate in their implementations it is no coincidence that we also begin to see growing disparity between rich and poor (with no distinguishable "in-between" to be seen), and growing social unrest and political tensions between major players on the World Stage.

Max is the host of a program on RT News called The Keiser Report, as well as having a weekly radio show called The Truth About Markets. In Additon, he also hosts a program called On The Edge with Iran's PressTV. He has also made documentaries in regards to the financial crimes that are being committed by major banks across the globe, and started a crowd-funding website for independent filmmakers called - a website that solely uses BitCoins as its medium of donation.

If you want to hear more I suggest visiting It is a wealth of information on investment, the state of the markets as they are today, and on exposing financial and political corruption and tyranny, among many other valiant and freedom-promoting purposes. I highly recommend giving his website a few minutes of your time - it's worth it.

Here's the original link that I sourced this from:

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Germany Potentially Eyeing A Gold Standard?

Deutsche Bank’s report is “Gold: Adjusting for Zero.” It reckons we’re in a situation that is “Zero for growth, yield, velocity and confidence.” It says: “We believe there are nearly zero real options available to global policy-makers. The world needs growth and is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to get it.” It forecasts bluntly that the value of the dollar will plummet in the first half of 2013 to less than a 2,000th of an ounce of gold. It reckons “the growth in supply of fiat currencies such as the USD will remain an important driver.”

That’s just for openers. The report then goes on to assert that gold is misunderstood and doesn’t really belong in the basket of “commodities” used by so many economists. Gold is money, according to the Deutsche Bank. Says it: “We would go further however, and argue that gold could be characterised as ‘good’ money as opposed to ‘bad’ money which would be represented by many of today’s fiat currencies.” It refers to Gresham’s Law and suggests “the undervalued money (good) will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money (bad) will flood into circulation.”

Read more here.

September 2012 Gold Summary - How Does Gold Stack Up Against the Paper Markets?

As outlined in my previous entry, September and November months are traditionally up-trend months for the price of gold. It looks as though that trend is set to continue, with October being a month of consolidation prior to a massive upswing in gold's value.

Obviously the spot prices of various metals have shifted since that date - all upwards, I might add, really reinforcing the historic trend that September is a month that sees the largest gains in gold.

I post this mainly to point out that gold is now dropping in terms of its spot price, consolidating in order to make a huge break upwards come November. While there are never any guarantees in the investment world, this one would appear to be something of a no-brainer.

As we head into October, the price of gold is currently dropping - falling 1.1% this week so far from $1774.45 to 1756.31, where it currently rests as of this post. It would appear as though the seasonal trends discussed in my previous post are going to continue. 

Overall gold is up 6.2% so far in September, starting the month at it's August 31st closing price of $1,648.50 and rising (again) to $1756.31 where the spot price currently sits.

Monthly Trends in Gold - September and November Best Months To Own Gold

This is an old post from GoldCore dated September 4, 2012. I decided to share it because it gives a fantastic breakdown of the seasonal and monthly behavior of the price of gold. It has some fantastic, straight-forward and illumniating graphs and charts backing up its claims.

The original entry can be viewed here

US Representative Skips Out On Diplomacy At UN Meetings in NYC

Ahmadinejad talks peace & justice as US boycotts address
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for world leaders to serve their people, not rule over them during his speech before the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.

In a surprise turn, Ahmadinejad’s speech took on an almost poetic bent evoking “the spring of humanity and the greenery of all ages.”

During his address, the word “peace” was used 12 times, “justice” 15 and “love” 13.
The US didn't even bother to attend the address... I wonder why? Perhaps because the US quite enjoys ruling over their people, and hasn't served them for decades?

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Occupy Wall St. is Back - And World Leaders Are Taking Note

... or at least one.

Occupy Wall St. is back, and it seems like they may actually be starting to organize cohesively. A year later, it looks like they've taken their time in becoming more prepared, and this time if they declare what they're actually about (or can come to consensus on it) perhaps they'll actually have a shot at sticking around.

Even if nothing comes of it, at the very least they serve to highlight the wealth disparity between rich and poor, the decimation of the middle class, and the fraudulent and illegal activities of the world's biggest banks - and the world is taking notice.

Millions of people from around the world in hundreds of countries took part in Occupy protests - and many more had their interest peaked by it, even if not taking part directly. Many important people came out in support of them. This time, they've got someone important coming out to support them again - a world leader, in fact:

RBS Managers Said to Condone Manipulation of Libor Rates

A new article today from Bloomberg News:
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc managers condoned and participated in the manipulation of global interest rates, indicating that wrongdoing extended beyond the four traders the bank has fired.

In an instant-message conversation in late 2007, Jezri Mohideen, then the bank’s head of yen products in Singapore, instructed colleagues in the U.K. to lower RBS’s submission to the London interbank offered rate that day, according to two people with knowledge of the discussion. No reason was given in the message as to why he wanted a lower figure. The rate-setter agreed, submitting the number Mohideen sought, the people said.

Mohideen wasn’t alone. RBS traders and their managers routinely sought to influence the firm’s Libor submissions between 2007 and 2010 to profit from derivatives bets, according to employees, regulators and lawyers interviewed by Bloomberg News. Traders also communicated with counterparts at other firms to discuss where rates should be set, one person said.

“This kind of activity was widespread in the industry,” said David Greene, a senior partner at law firm Edwin Coe LLP in London. “A lot of the traders didn’t consider this behavior to be wrong. They took it as the practice of the trade. This is how things operated, and it seemed harmless.”

Indignant Spanish Population Converges on Parliament

Spanish protesters - bolstering their numbers by the day as the situation in Spain deteriorates further - converged today on Spanish parliament. This particular clash took place just 100 meters from the Spanish congress building.

This makes me so happy to see.

The clashes will only become increasingly violent, and the riot police are vastly outnumbered. Indeed, some of their police brethren are amongst those protesting.

When cuts start to affect cops, it becomes even more dangerous for those police officers who manage to keep their jobs. If I were those riot cops I would take off my mask, put down my baton and join in the protests to help overthrow the government. It will happen anyways, and all they're doing is risking further injury.

Europe on the Brink of Bloody Revolution

The German edition of Der Spiegel opens the new week on Monday morning with a series of articles on the European situation, which make clear, as if that were still necessary, that Europe is still an absolute mess. You know, just in case you thought it was not. That Mario Draghi's latest unlimited whatever it is had somehow chased away the demons. 
First, Der Spiegel writes that the Greek deficit is twice as high as previously thought,, at €20 billion, according to a preliminary version of the long awaited troika report. The gap has to be closed for the next tranche of bailout money to be paid. 
Second, eurozone countries plan to let the ESM balloon to over €2 trillion ($2.6 trillion) . Remember that the German Constitutional Court limited Berlin's part to about €190 billion recently. Creative accounting to infinity and beyond. The efforts to keep the union together will blow it apart. 

Bloomberg Analysis of 60 Countries and their Gas Price Rankings

And people in North America thought we had it bad in terms of gas prices!

What we deal with in terms of gas prices pales in comparison to our friends in Europe. In North America anywhere between 20%-50% less than our European (and many Asian-Pacific) counterparts.

Canada comes in at #42 out of 60 countries on the most-expensive-gas rank, paying $5.46/gallon (
1.44US/litre - 1.40/litre CAD). One gallon is equal to 3.78541 litres. In terms of our "Pain at the Pump" ranking, we notch in at number 51/60. Gas prices here seem astronomically high compared to historic pricing per litre, but we aren't suffering nearly as much as much of the rest of the developed or developing world.
The Canadian government paid $2.19 billion to subsidize oil consumption in 2010. The average daily income is $141. The share of a day's wages needed to buy a gallon of gas is 3.9 percent.
The United States ranks #49 out of 60 countries (tied with Russia) on the most-expensive-gas rank, paying $3.75/gallon (That's $0.99 US per litre). Their pain at the pump rank is 55/60. They have it even better than Canada, as they pay less than half of what Europeans pay for gas.

QE3 Another Fed Give Away to the Banks - Fantastic Discussion Between and Michael Hudson

"PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore.

Ben Bernanke, the head of the Federal Reserve, announced a few days ago QE3, quantitative easing three, and now he says they're going to continue to buy assets, multibillion dollars of purchases, until the unemployment rate goes down. He was then followed by the European Central Bank and the central bank of Japan that are introducing their own monetary stimulus policies.

Now joining us to discuss how effective all this might be is Michael Hudson. Michael's a former Wall Street financial analyst and now a distinguished research professor of economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City. And his latest book just out is The Bubble and Beyond. Thanks very much for joining us, Michael.


Monday, 24 September 2012

Stick It To Corruption, Greed, and Goldman Sachs


HUGE props to these guys for sticking it to corruption, greed, and Goldman Sachs!

'Pleb' row minister Andrew Mitchell blasted cops after posh curry sesh

The Chief Whip, accused of branding Downing St officers “f****** plebs,” tucked in at Westminster’s swanky Cinnamon Club.

The £50-a-head restaurant, a favourite of MPs and ministers, serves some of the poshest food in London.

A fellow diner said: “He didn’t seem to be having a frustrating day to me.”

A few hours later Mr Mitchell let rip at Downing Street officers when they refused to open the main gate so he could cycle through.

He was in a hurry because he was off to a meal with wealthy Tory donors at the Conservative Party’s private members’ club.

He was guest speaker at the Carlton Club in St James’s.

Mr Mitchell, 56, yesterday faced the TV cameras for the first time since The Sun revealed the scandal on Friday.
 Read more about the story here.

Allow me to clarify:

A "pleb" is a derogatory term used by the wealthy/elite historically to denote commoners, or people of lower classes than themselves.

It is derived from the word "plebeian". From Oxford dictionary's definition:

Chinese Firm Selling Gold Plated Tungsten - Asks Customers Not To Use Illegally

Yesterday news broke that at least 10 tungsten filled 10 oz PAMP gold bars have been discovered in Manhattan’s jewelry district.

Apparently Louis Vuitton & Coach bags aren’t the only thing being counter-fitted by the Chinese, as thanks to Microsoft translator, SD has discovered a Chinese firm SPECIALIZING IN PRODUCING TUNGSTEN FILLED GOLD BARS & COINS!!

Not only will the firm openly mint fake gold coins and bars, but they will apparently mint them to order by request!: ‘Chinatungsten could offer gold-plated tungsten alloy coin by different gold with engraving or stamping. Clients can forward their own design, then Chinatungsten could design and make mold accordingly

The firm states that the fake gold coins and bars are ‘only for gift, present, handicraft, and never could be used for any illegal purpose‘ .  Yes, obviously the fake gold products could never be used fraudulently because they kindly ask their customers not to use their tungsten filled gold products illegally.

Read more here

Venezuela Positioning Itself For The New Global Economy - Preserving Further Gold Reserves and Growing Ties To China

Something that involves a country very near and dear to my heart.

Good for Venezuela - even if they only get a portion, holding more gold in the long run (plus the copious amounts of oil they hold as well) will only serve to further prop up their budding economy.

Not to mention building stronger ties with what is clearly slated to be the next world superpower when the US empire falls.

China, Venezuela Agree to Develop One of World’s Largest Gold Mines

17 million ounces of gold is the equivalent of roughly $29.75 billion. Not too shabby, and that amount will only go higher as the price of gold continues to skyrocket! With the debts they have to China it's obvious why they opted to pursue a joint venture with the mining giant country: Pay down some debts with the only real money that exists right now. They're already paying off debts in oil - adding gold to the mix strengthens national holdings of both commodities.

The Troika Decimation of a Once Proud Nation - Hungary's Struggles and the Fight For Their Sovereignty

I've come across many articles recently about the plights of Hungary in dealing with the Troika and the ridiculous conditions imposed on ECB/IMF loans.

In response, Hungary has ousted the IMF, as well as Biotech giant Monsanto - genetically modified seeds are banned in Hungary - and continues to fight to maintain its sovereignty in the face of economic disaster and growing pressure from Western corporate interests to cede.

You can read more about the fight against the IMF and Monsanto here, but I'll touch on a few sections that I find rather intresting and thought-provoking:

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Something a bit different...

It's my beautiful and amazing wife's birthday, and I wrote a poem in her card that I figured I would post on here so as to immortalize the words - you know, just in case the card gets lost or misplaced (or thrown out) later on.


I love you so, I can't deny
Our love persists, the odds defies
You are my soul, you are my heart
'Till from this world my soul departs

And still, beyond, in the unknown
Transcending body, flesh and bone
Souls intertwined right from the start
After from this world my soul departs

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Apple, Why Do You Disappoint Me So?

The Truly Unbiased iPhone 5 Review & Samsung Galaxy Comparison

Here's a great iPhone 5 versus Samsung Galaxy (Note, in this case) comparison, as well as touching on the hype created by Apple to attempt to boost sales of a clearly inferior product - with most tech comparable to last year's Android phones.

iPhone 5 is the clear loser yet again from people who aren't simply Apple fanatics (or temps paid to stand outside in line) who worship their products as though they were omnipotent.

My only issue is iCloud access in switching to the Galaxy S III, as Apple's cloud service is the only one of all available cloud services that isn't cross-compatible - that is to say, one can only access it from Apple devices. Again, one must wonder if this is done purposely in order to stifle any dissenters that are dissatisfied with the dismal and dismaying display of a dreadful lack of ingenuity on the part of the deteriorating demigod that is Apple.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Pre-FOMC Announcement Drift... The Answers Lay at the End of A Labyrinth of Monetary Deceit

A fascinating and mystifying article popped up today on ZeroHedge. It is a chart that was released by the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and illustrates a perplexing phenomenon - dubbed "Pre-FOMC announcement drift" - that has existed since 1994, when the Federal Open Market Committee (herein referred to as FOMC - click the link to learn more) first began releasing statements immediately following the FOMC meetings, which occur 8 times a year.

What exactly is the conundrum that has me (and many other finance buffs) trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together? Well, according to the data released by the Fed, it would seem that the only real substantial gains in the equity markets (the S&P 500, specifically), propping the S&P up at its current level of over 1300 points, have come in the 24-period that preceeds the FOMC announcements.

This essentially means that the only reason the S&P 500 is at its current level is somehow due to the Fed and their virtual printing press.

Gee, thanks... bloat the system with excess money to devalue the currency, screw bondholders to scare them out of safe (albeit negative real yielding) investments so they are forced to invest in riskier (and doomed) equity markets, then watch the markets fail miserably, as the Fed has used its last round of ammunition in their absurd and blundering attempt at fixing the systemic crisis we face.

Interestingly enough, the S&P closed today at its lowest all week - and actually its lowest since (gasp!) last Thursday!

Here's the article in full (original link here):

A Compilation of ZeroHedge Articles - Everything from FOMC Madness to All-Time Gold Highs!

The "Big One" for the day: 

Chart Of The Year: The Fed Has Doubled The S&P Admits... The Fed - Follow-up post on this incoming!

Gold A Fistful Of Dollars Away From 2012 Highs - Not to mention...

Gold Hits All Time Highs In Euro, Swiss Franc And Brazilian Real

"Gold in USD is up 90% from the March 2009 equity lows and up 50-65% in the rest of the major fiat currencies."

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Anti-Islamic Propaganda - Nazi Germany ain't got nothin' on US

Anti-Islamic advertisements to hit NYC
Advertisement set to hit New York's subway next week

Reading this literally made me feel sick to my stomach. What kind of twisted world do we live in when trash like THIS is supported by the legal system. Just pathetic.

The more I look at it the more it is necessary to begin World War 3. That way at least someone will finally stand up to the scourge upon the human race that is the United States and their genocidal and hate-spewing Israeli buddies/masters. Instead of a war with bombs, it would be amazing if all other countries simply started placing sanctions on these two despicable entities to completely (further) cripple their economic and social infrastructures. They're already headed down the path to systemic collapse and revolution - why not hurry it up? After all, I'm not an advocate for violent war. There are more effective ways of achieving goals.

New GMO Study Demonstrates Drastic and Shocking Increases in Cancer Rates in Rats Fed GMO Corn

Would you continue eating non-organic and genetically modified foods if you knew that they were altering your biological composition to such a degree that they were slowly poisoning you and giving you cancer, heart issues, neurological issues, organ failure/dysfunction or various other forms of disease? I personally never would. This is why I stopped eating genetically modified foods (GMO crops) after doing research into the matter a few years back. I write this now in the hopes that after reading this you will reconsider your stance on the foods you eat and just how "healthy" they are, and in the hopes that you will come to understand the threat that biotech companies, lead by Monsanto, pose to our civilization.

I recently read about studies conducted on genetically-modified foods in regards to their health effects on rats. These studies indicated shockingly high correlations between consumption of genetically modified corn and the consequential consumption of the Roundup herbicide, widely used by farmers growing GMO crops. I also, a few days ago, saw the photos of rats with obscenely large tumours (featured below) that were making their rounds on my social network feeds. After seeing these, it further confirmed the truth that lies within all of the personal research I have done into genetically modified foods and their detrimental health effects on whatever biological organism consumes them. However, I wasn't inspired until today to actually craft a post in order to present the information to friends and family (and those extended-circles who read my blog). This is mostly because there is so much information that I wanted to be able to have something relatively short and sweet in order to present the initial facts to people in order to spark their own interest in the matter and have them research it further on their own.

Lab rats with numerous massive tumours caused by consumption of genetically-modified corn NK603

Monday, 17 September 2012

Death of the American Teenager

Here is a very interesting read from silvervigilante, titled "The Death of the American Teenager"

I was one of those teenagers in the 90s (well, OK, 2000s, but this is when it started) targeted ceaselessly by every marketing campaign under the sun. Some of them worked, but most of them didn't, and fortunately I grew out of caring about popular brands or what was "hot" pretty early on. So many people I knew simply didn't, and it speaks to the mentality of both consumers being bred to be consumers as well as the predatory mentality of advertisers and marketers worldwide.

Perhaps now, in the fact of the reality of what their greediness has brought them, teenagers will be a little less focused on what brands they wear or what artist is popular, and a little more focused on fiscal responsibility and setting up a path towards a productive and debt-free life - as well as understanding that material goods are nothing but distractions, and not at all necessary to live an incredibly happy life.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Silver and Gold... Worth So Much More Than We See

So, folks...

This will be the first of many multi-link posts I will be putting up over the next few days/weeks. I have talked to many of you over the past few months about the case for buying gold and silver.

Very bluntly, gold and silver are the best bets (in my somewhat-educated view) to hedge against inflation in any situation, and to also hedge against losing savings on the [paper] money markets or by keeping them in a bank account (where those savings technically becomes property of the bank, in light of recent precedents that have been set).

It so happens that in this economic climate they are also a phenomenal investment, particularly now. Silver, in particular, is set for a massive upswing in its price because (among a multitude of other compelling reasons) that market is being heavily manipulated by high-frequency trading (HFT) algorithms at the behest of the biggest banks in the world - with JP Morgan Chase leading the way, and HSBC not far behind. See here, here and here

United States of Incarceration

So essentially the private prison sector (in this case represented by Corrections Corporation of America) is pushing to have governments enter into agreements to maintain 90% incarceration rates in prisons that are privately owned and run, or they won't invest.

This is a blatant new example of the private sector stepping in and forcing the government's hand. Governments have such enormous debts that they can't afford to fix the overcrowded prison systems. Rather than turning to alternative methods of correction (such as getting doctors, psychiatrists and therapists more heavily involved, and promoting meditation and internal focus and reflection, just to name one example) they are instead turning to a private sector who is preying on the population.

Tell me, then: what will happen if they can't maintain 90% occupancy rates?

Saturday, 15 September 2012

The End of the Financial Engineering Era

For my first post on here, I wanted to speak briefly about central banks and how they are destroying the currencies - through financial engineering. I wanted to discuss how financial engineering is not the solution; indeed, it is making the problem exponentially worse, and leading us down a road towards economic and social collapse. I also want to discuss how financial engineering is a bad thing, but the end result (societal collapse) may not be as bad as one would think.

Firstly, financial engineering has brought us to where we are today. It has happened throughout all of the 20th and 21st centuries, and dates much further back even than that. I don't want to go too in depth into what exactly it consists of - at least not today. I'll leave you to follow your own curiosity on that.